What Leaderboards are available?

For Season Zero, you can toggle between the Track, XP and Team boards. You can access these by navigating to Leaderboards from the Dashboard. You can see upwards of 100 players by tabbing through the pages but you will have a persistent spot at the very top with your placement.

What’s the purpose of each board?

The XP board tracks Level Progression for each player, Track board records the best overall time on each track and the Team board tracks points earned by ExoGP racing teams. You earn points for each team based on the Genesis suit you have equipped for a race.

Remember that the Track board records only 3 lap races and you must be in Custom Games Solo for your times to record.

What Custom Games settings enable recording to the Track Leaderboard and XP Leaderboard?

To record properly to the Track Leaderboard, you must apply the following:

  1. Select “Create Online Session”
  2. Set the Lap Count to 3 Laps in Game Settings
  3. Play a single-player/solo game

To record properly to the XP Leaderboard, you must apply the following:

  1. Select “Create Online Session”

Quickplay vs Custom Games Leaderboard Cheat Sheet

Track Leaderboards

Team Leaderboards